Feed mills indicate ration prices will remain unchanged for September, although there is a strong consensus that purchased feed costs will see reductions applied in October.

Grain and soya prices have eased in recent weeks, just as local feed mills are purchasing forward cover on key straights used in the production of winter rations.

Once feed mills take delivery of those lower cost straights, which will most likely occur in mid to late autumn, it should translate into lower ration prices. Imported barley via Belfast Port is trading around £180/t and can be purchased fractionally below this price for November delivery.

Allowing for handling and transport costs, that keeps dried barley on farm in the region of £200 to £210/t, around £20 to £30/t below its equivalent value last August.

Maize meal is currently trading at £210 to £215/t on-farm, down from £260/t last August. Soya is in the region of £370/t on-farm, down £100/t year-on-year.

Beef finishing rations continue to trade from £260 to £280/t, depending on maize content, the inclusion of rumen buffers and whether the feed is a blend or pellet.

General purpose cattle rations remain on £270 to £290, with dairy feeds ranging from £280 to £320/t for 16% to 20% protein feeds. Lamb finisher feeds are in the region of £290/t to £330/t.

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