Farm Programmes
How to prepare for wholecrop harvest
Kelsey Daly
Tullamore Farm prepares to harvest wholecrop at the start of August. Kelsey Daly looks at what stage to cut it at, how to store the crop and the need to test it for dry matter and protein.
24 July 2024 News
Calls for minister to reverse decision on straw
The IFA and IGG met the Minister for Agriculture on Tuesday to discuss the debacle.
24 July 2024 News
Wet weather hits harvest in some areas of the country
Heavy rain showers are stopping work in the fields where many winter barley crops are ready to be cut, but some farmers have been able to stay cutting.
Grain Trends: EU report forecasts decline in yields
The latest European Commission crop monitoring report came out this week. It forecast a drop in most crop yields.
24 July 2024 Markets
20% of Waterford tillage farmer’s profits ‘wiped out’ by straw scheme suspension
Pádraig Connery said the scrapping of the Straw Incorporation Measure represents a loss of one-fifth of his total farm income.
20 July 2024 News
Grain Trends: no major moves on prices
Grain and oilseed prices were not looking hectic this week wit a big drop in French wheat and oilseed prices.
17 July 2024 Markets
Tillage Management: harvest, safety and value of straw
Wet weather is delaying the start of the harvest for many. Be prepared for when it does start and make safety a priority.
17 July 2024 Husbandry
Grain harvest kicks off with winter barley
Pockets of Northern Ireland saw combines rolling early this week as the 2024 grain harvest got under way.
17 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Harvest off to a slow start in showery weather
Some farmers have started to harvest winter barley crops, but it is very early to get a good handle on crop yields.
16 July 2024 News
Irish drinks taking prime spots on US shelves
Irish drinks brands are taking up some of the prime positions on supermarket shelves in the US, a recent visit showed.
14 July 2024 News
IAM celebrates 40 years with Hardi in Ireland
IAM Agricultural Machinery and Danish sprayer manufacturer Hardi celebrated 40 years of a partnership in Ireland with an event last week. Peter Thomas Keaveney attended.
10 July 2024 News
Tillage Management: harvest, whole crop and assessing crops
As harvest approaches for many farmers, it is important to be prepared and also to assess crop performance.
10 July 2024 Husbandry