Videos from the Irish Farmers Journal
Videos from the Irish Farmers Journal
Videos from the Irish Farmers Journal
Gareth Culligan is a tillage farmer from Co Louth and is working on improving his soil and reducing chemical use on his farm.
Peter Thomas Keaveney travelled to the midlands to catch up with Ireland’s largest multifunctional tiller-mulcher, as it reclaimed 106 acres of an old Christmas tree plantation back into grassland.
Peter Thomas Keaveney travelled to an exclusive press event in Germany to take a closer look at John Deere's revamped 105-275hp 6M tractor series.
Tune into this week's Farm Tech Talk, where we discuss the take-home messages from Teagasc's BEEF2024, the latest on ACRES payments and challenging grass growth.
Peter Thomas Keaveney got the opportunity to spend some time with the Weidemann T7042, the first model from the manufacturer to have a 7m lift and 4.2t lifting capacity.
Sowing a substantial acreage of corn each year, Peter Thomas Keaveney caught up with Wexford contractor Trevor James to find out why he runs Horsch drills.
Last summer, ahead of the launch of Malone’s new front mower, Peter Thomas Keaveney got the opportunity to put its front and rear mounted mowers combination through its paces.
With the trend of bigger trailers growing in popularity, Smyth Trailers kindly gave us a demonstration of a 25ft Supercube 50m3 trailer. Peter Thomas Keaveney reports.
Keenan launched its updated MechFiber+ range of paddle feeders two years. Midland’s farm Cows.ie bought the first 28m3 machine, and it hasn’t had a day off in two years. Peter Thomas Keaveney reports.
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environment
Former Meath hurler and senior engineer Mark O’Sullivan is part of a team working to bring more renewables on to the electricity grid.