There are set to be big changes to County Council’s local development plans with new, local targets coming writes Stephen Robb
SUBSCRIBER ONLYThe boom of data centres in Ireland continues to give rise to concerns about our ability to meet climate targets, but can they be developed sustainably?
The Board has said that it will seek to apply to the High Court to re-open the judgment and will further seek a certificate of appeal.
Not allowing a chimney where an ordinary fire or stove could be installed and used defies common sense.
Farmers have had minimal representation over the past number of years when several significant government renewables policies were formed.
There remains uncertainty over the timeline for the long-awaited Renewable Heat Obligation, after the Government missed its own deadline of launching the scheme by the end of December.
Wind turbines are inherently designed to capture wind, but must be shut down to protect themselves if wind speeds become excessively high.
Stephen Robb explores where farm renewables fit into the new Programme for Government
If Ireland cut emissions to zero it would do nothing to address the global crisis.
The proposed development, however, has been met with concern from the local community.