All the latest opinion and comments on the Irish agricultural industry from the Farmers Journal editorial team.

Delays to housing and renewable projects
Colm McCarthy
Delays in the planning system have made Irish Government targets for housing supply unattainable in recent years.
24 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Farmers in danger of information overload
The detailed results from the soil nutrient health scheme in NI are not easily interpreted or understood.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
Dempsey at Large: forward thinking or backtracking?
For the last few years, the straw incorporation scheme worked well from a farmer's point of view.
Home Farm: hay baled after dry days
We have now fully replenished our hay stocks, and hopefully a reasonable second cut of silage will bring us up to meet our target supplies of winter feed.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
Opinion: bless me fodder, for I have sinned - minister needs to reverse on SIM
The almost universal opposition to Minister McConalogue's decision to withdraw the Straw Incorporation Measure is the clearest sign he has got this one wrong.
20 July 2024 Opinion
Colm McCarthy: practical measures needed to turn targets into policy
Targets in conflict are a recipe for delay and cost escalation. The latest domain for this habit of political evasion is defence policy.
17 July 2024 Opinion
Quality Assurance needs farmer buy-in
Quality Assurance is a core requirement to supply the highest value customers for Irish beef, but farmers need to see the value in euros to be persuaded to do more.
14 July 2024 News
Changing face of Irish beef industry
The crowds at this week's Dairy Calf to Beef shows farmers are open minded to change, but it has to be shown to work.
12 July 2024 News
Fertiliser register a sign of new approach
A new fertiliser database is to be introduced by DAERA Minister Andrew Muir
10 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Home Farm: beef weakens and first steps for harvest
Hopefully the bulk of the winter barley will meet the specifications without any pre-harvest treatment.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Knock on impacts from Labour's UK victory
The governing legislation has turned out to be a Nimbies’ Charter, conferring veto powers on geographically small planning authorities sensitive to the objections of residents’ associations.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Dempsey at Large: Independent examination planned for Brennan farm
Successive farm leaders have voiced their profound unease at how the case has been handled.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints