
The Dealer

The Dealer brings you all the news inside farming. The Dealer is at the mart ring, in the board meeting and always wanting to hear your story.


Cashflow fears may be confirmed this week

The massive cash injection that BISS payments represent was never more needed, by farmers and by the people they trade with and owe money to.

16 October 2024 Dealer

Miley to document FBD's story

The Roscommon native is uniquely placed to recount the story of the FBD Trust.

16 October 2024 Dealer

Last orders at IFA meeting

The intention may have been to cover a number of issues but there was only one topic that farmers wanted to question at the IFA Munster regional meeting earlier this week.

16 October 2024 Dealer

Macra ups membership fee

The Dealer has heard word of a membership increase at young farmer organisation Macra.

9 October 2024 Dealer

Is a deal likely between Tirlán and Glanbia?

Since the end of 2021, the Tirlán board had permission to invest about €220m worth of plc shares in other ventures, but didn’t.

9 October 2024 Dealer

Gorman now a deputy president

Francie Gorman said that the supporting food production has to come front and centre in the next CAP.

9 October 2024 Dealer

Leadership runs in rugby star's family

Aoife Wafer is leading Ireland's women's rugby team's revival, but that is no surprise for those who know her family.

9 October 2024 Dealer

A busy week for Ursula

As she said herself, it has been a whirlwind week for Cormac Tagging's Ursula Kelly.

9 October 2024 Dealer

Ireland votes to maintain wolf protection

It was reported that only two countries voted against lowering the status of the wolf, Ireland and Spain.

2 October 2024 Dealer