All the latest farming news, comments and editorial opinions from the Irish Farmers Journal
All the latest farming news, comments and editorial opinions from the Irish Farmers Journal
We need something very quickly on the nutrient storage side of the house for farmers.
Rewetting: if we don’t map out the impacts now, then when do we do it?
The animal health focus this week discusses the basics of calf rearing and inexpensive early animal health management issues that all farmers should refresh themselves on.
As importers, energy prices and currency exchanges are largely outside farmer control.
There is talk of incentives rather than conditions, however, all that for me is ‘stay on the same road’ type language, just maybe trying to say it in a different way.
What many farmers don’t realise is that removing this timber at a time when the market is effectively flooded with windblown timber, has margin consequences.
Tullamore farm manager, Shaun Diver is almost halfway through calving and he has 28 sucklers calved and he has 24 ‘high index, high quality, replacement heifer calves on the ground.
While the rules on the face of it for some don’t look too onerous, the very existence of this ‘designation’ under GAEC 2 draws a line in the sand.
The move to allow the breed societies a time allocation to vent their frustrations in person this Friday at the stakeholder forum is a positive one.