Heat-detection collars facilitating 100% AI in Tullamore Farm
Martin Merrick
One of the key differences implemented on the farm this year, was the purchase of heat-detection collars for the suckler herd.
24 July 2024 Health
Health: filing a complaint about a nursing home
Dealing with grievances related to nursing home care early on is better than letting complaints fester and escalate, writes Margaret Hawkins.
22 July 2024 News
Getting farm fit in 15 minutes at Tullamore Farm
Nurse Laura Tully will be offering expert advice on how farmers can change poor lifestyle habits to improve their health.
Importance of managing fatigue on-farm
With the growing seasonality of workloads, fatigue can quickly set in at busy periods on farms.
22 July 2024 Farm safety
Too many risks still being taken on farms
While there has been a conscious effort by farmers to improve farm safety, farms are still the most dangerous place of work in Ireland.
17 July 2024 Farm safety
Those with Multiple Sclerosis need more support
10,000 MS sufferers in Ireland struggle to cope with the impact of this illness on their lives, including financial challenges along with being on waiting lists for services, writes Margaret Hawkin.
17 July 2024 Health
Irish government spending to top €105bn in 2025
There is little in the Summer Statement to indicate agriculture will be a priority in the coming budget.
10 July 2024 News
Minister commits to review Dan Brennan's farm files
There is to be a fresh assessment of the case sought by the Minister for Agriculture.
10 July 2024 News
Health: healing after birth - why a physio check matters
Your body changes a lot during pregnancy, so it’s important to have a check-up with a chartered physiotherapist after birth to avoid problems like incontinence or prolapse, writes Margaret Hawkins.
10 July 2024 Health
Minister to seek fresh review of Dan Brennan case
The commitment came from the minister in a Dáil debate which heard evidence written by vets who investigated the case in the mid-2000s.
4 July 2024 News
Vets’ bull semen testing challenge dismissed
A case brought by the Veterinary Council of Ireland against a woman who provided bull semen analysis service has been thrown out of court. David Forsythe reports.
3 July 2024 News
Health: COVID-19 summer surge
COVID-19 cases are on the rise week-by-week. It’s important to safeguard ourselves as best we can during this wave, writes Margaret Hawkins.
3 July 2024 Health