Beef Management

Ten tips to address a fodder shortage
Kieran Mailey
With concerns over fodder reserves, Kieran Mailey outlines some options to help meet winter feed requirements on livestock farms.
24 July 2024 Management
Heat-detection collars facilitating 100% AI in Tullamore Farm
One of the key differences implemented on the farm this year, was the purchase of heat-detection collars for the suckler herd.
24 July 2024 Management
Beef Management: in spec bonus criteria, meal feeding dates and farm safety
In this week's beef management notes Adam Woods takes a look at the 20 cent/kg bonus and making sure you get it, meal feeding dates and farm safety.
Keep safety in mind with fieldwork and autumn calving
As fieldwork increases and autumn calving kicks off, always keep safety in mind when completing jobs.
23 July 2024 Management
Five tips to prepare weanlings for sale
Ahead of selling weanlings in the coming weeks, outlined are some tips to prepare animals for sale.
20 July 2024 Management
Beef Management: Beef Welfare, reseeding and buying barley off the combine
In this week's Beef Management, Adam Woods takes a look at the anomalies in the beef welfare scheme, reseeding on drystock farms and buying barley off the combine.
17 July 2024 Management
Be alert for lungworm in young cattle
Warmer temperatures will see worm burdens rapidly increasing on grazing swards, putting young cattle at higher risk of respiratory problems caused by lungworm.
16 July 2024 Management
Five tips to prepare for autumn calving
As autumn calving draws closer, outlined are some preparation tasks to carry out now.
13 July 2024 Management
Beef Management : fodder budgets, breeding and autumn reseeding
Entering in to the latter half of the year means a swing in focus, with fodder stocks, the end of breeding and the possibility of reseeding some paddocks in the mind of many
10 July 2024 Management
Increasing herd checks as autumn calving approaches
Moving August-calving cows closer to the yard will make it easier to keep a close eye on heavily pregnant animals in the run-up to autumn calving.
9 July 2024 Management
Five tips for finishing cattle off grass
On farms with cattle that will finish off grass later this year, outlined are a few tips to keep in mind.
6 July 2024 Management
Watch: lambs weaned early as beef breeding comes to a close on Tullamore Farm
Martin Merrick chats to farm manager Shaun Diver as the mid-season flock of lambs are weaned early, while breeding in the suckler herd comes to an end for 2024.
5 July 2024 Management