Last week’s sheep kill figure exceeded the 60,000 mark for only the second time since spring, with the other date being the week leading up to the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha.

The increase of about 1,000 head on a fortnight ago was underpinned by a higher ewe and ram kill of 8,348 head, with lamb throughput steady at 51,257 head.

The kill is running about 1,000 head above the corresponding week in 2023, after running well behind for most of the year.

Throughput for the year to date is still over 184,000 head lower, with over 76,000 fewer lambs slaughtered.

Good-quality lambs remain in relatively tight supply, with procurement managers continuing to cite issues with poor slaughter performance and lower average carcase weights.

As such, well-fleshed lambs remain in keen demand, with this especially evident in live sales. Factory base quotes are unchanged in the main or 5c/kg to 10c/kg easier at the higher end of base quotes.

The two Irish Country Meats plants are continuing to quote €7.20/kg for quality assured (QA) lambs, similar to Ballon Meats’ all-in quote.

Reports indicate plants not quoting are operating anywhere from €7.10/kg to €7.30/kg for R grading QA lambs, some 5c/kg to 10c/kg lower than last week.

A significant percentage of lambs are trading in the region of €7.25/kg to €7.30/kg for R grades, with U grades 10c/kg to 12c/kg higher through group payment terms.

Regular sellers handling large numbers are securing returns ranging from €7.35/kg to €7.40/kg.

Agents are reluctant to exceed this level, but are willing to pay a premium for well-fleshed lots.

The increase in ewes has brought some variability to quotes, with some plants trying to reduce by 10c/kg to 20c/kg.

The majority of plants are quoting in the region of €3.70/kg to €3.90/kg for fleshed ewes with Ballon strong at €4.40/kg, while some plants are quoting a two-tiered payment system for lighter carcase ewes, with cuts of upwards of €1/kg for light carcases lacking significant flesh cover.

Many agents expect ewe numbers to tighten again and predict the increase in throughput to be shorter lived.

Northern trade

A number of factories in Northern Ireland continue to focus more so on their beef kill and are handling limited numbers of sheep.

Base quotes continue to lie around £5.90/kg or the equivalent of €7/kg. Regular sellers and some groups are securing 10p/kg higher. Prices in Britain eased by 9p/kg, with R grading lambs averaging upwards of £6.50/kg (€7.70/kg).

The differential continues to support live exports to Britain, with numbers reported as remaining north of 2,500 head. While keen demand from agents purchasing sheep for export to Ireland is fuelling firm numbers heading south for direct slaughter.