Sheep Trends: base quotes 10c/kg to 20c/kg lower
Darren Carty
The reduction in quotes occurred over the weekend, with prices in the main holding steady since the start of the week.
26 June 2024 News
Sheep kill back by almost 16% this May
The 16% drop represents a decrease of over 39,000 sheep.
12 June 2024 News
Buying for Eid underpinning peak sheep kill
In addition to peak throughput in factories reports indicate the festival will significantly boost the number of sheep exported live from Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Sheep Trends: more life as Northern trade rebounds
Base quotes in factories in Ireland are largely similar, but quotes in plants in Northern Ireland have rebounded strongly, rising by 20p/kg to 30p/kg in some plants.
15 May 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: another low kill of just 38,565 sheep
Last week’s kill figure was over 9,300 head lower than the corresponding week in 2023, with throughput for the year to date approaching almost 100,000 head lower.
8 May 2024 Markets
Australian sheep sector setting new production records
Throughput in the latest weekly kill increased by 125,918 head to 692,682, marking the largest combined sheep and lamb slaughter on record.
21 April 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: Ramadan festival boosting hogget demand
Factory agents have increased activity as the week has progressed in sourcing hoggets for the Ramadan festival.
3 April 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: Easter trade stimulates strong demand
Quotes for Thursday for hoggets and lambs remain unchanged, but cull ewe quotes have increased, as factories try to entice higher numbers to opt for direct sales.
27 March 2024 Markets
UK sheep price running £2.67/kg (€3.11/kg) higher
The price increase of £1.74/kg (€2.03/kg) since the turn of the year is being driven by tight supplies, strong sales, steady exports and lower than anticipated imports.
23 March 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: hoggets up 40c/kg to exceed €8/kg
Kildare Chilling has moved out in front again and is setting the pace with its quote of €8/kg plus 10c/kg quality assurance payment up 40c/kg on the week.
6 March 2024 Markets
Hogget prices jump by over €10/head
Base factory quotes have increased by 40c/kg to 55c/kg since last week with throughput still under pressure despite the sharp upward movement.
28 February 2024 Markets
UK sheep price increases 'never seen before'
Currently at £7/kg (€8.20/kg), the AHDB reports that UK sheep prices have never before experienced such an elevated period of higher farmgate returns during January and February.
24 February 2024 Markets