Sheep trends: Lower quotes lift by 10c/kg
Darren Carty
Opening quotes for quality assured lambs rang from €7.10/kg to €7.20/kg, with higher prices ranging from €7.30/kg to €7.40/kg.
17 July 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: quotes vary from firm to 20c/kg lower
A number of plants have dropped their base quote below €7/kg, but there are no lambs moving below this level, with agents exhibiting a greater appetite for lambs this week.
8 July 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: another 20c/kg cut to lamb prices
Base prices for Tuesday have fallen to €7.30/kg, with top prices reported in the region of €7.50/kg to €7.70/kg.
Lamb quotes fall 20c/kg to €8.20/kg
Reports indicated factories had plans to reduce prices further but tighter lamb supplies and reduced slaughter performance has helped hold prices.
26 June 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: variable price signals sent by factories
A couple of factories have started the week on a similar base quote of €8.20/kg, while a couple more have pulled base quotes by 20c/kg to €8.00/kg to €8.05/kg.
24 June 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: lamb quotes cut by 50c/kg to 70c/kg
Base quotes have been pulled significantly at three time periods over the last week, with cuts equating to a reduction of €10 to €15 on a carcase weighing 21kg.
19 June 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: greater focus placed on lambs
Factories have pulled hogget quotes or stopped offering an official quote and are disseminating a message that they want to focus on lambs from now onwards.
29 May 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: tight numbers maintaining floor under base quotes
Base quotes for spring lambs are in the region of €9.30/kg or a starting price of €9.40/kg to €9.50/kg for quality assured lambs.
13 May 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: another low kill of just 38,565 sheep
Last week’s kill figure was over 9,300 head lower than the corresponding week in 2023, with throughput for the year to date approaching almost 100,000 head lower.
8 May 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: tight supplies underpinning live trade
Factories continue to try to ease prices, but a combination of tight supplies and a reasonable appetite for sheep is maintaining firm competition in the trade.
6 May 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: quotes pulled by 10c/kg to 20c/kg
A number of factories are trying to insert downward pressure on the trade in recent days, with quotes reducing by 10c/kg to 20c/kg on last week’s level.
1 May 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: pressure on hoggets as spring lambs strengthen
Factories have moved to try to take control of the hogget trade, with quotes reduced, while spring lamb base quotes have increased by 10c/kg.
29 April 2024 Markets