The increase in the sheep kill recorded over the last four weeks has been short-lived, with throughput reducing by almost 3,000 head to 57,247 this week.

The ewe and ram kill has remained largely steady, falling by less than 200 head.

Reports indicate that poor slaughter performance in lambs, pressure on prices and an upturn in weather are all having an influence on throughput levels.

More farmers are disappointed with drafting rates and are holding lambs to heavier liveweights to try to improve returns.

The recent price pressure witnessed at the higher end of the market has fed into the situation, while other reports point to farmers taking advantage of the upturn in weather and delaying drafting.

Factory quotes are unchanged, but reports indicate there is a greater appetite for well-fleshed lambs.

A high percentage of R grading lambs continue to trade from €7.20/kg to €7.30/kg, with U grading lambs traded through groups selling for 10c/kg to 12c/kg higher.

Regular sellers handling large numbers are having more success in securing returns upwards of €7.40/kg, with agents more willing to negotiate to satisfy factory demand for the carcase trade.

Agents also report an increasing percentage of lambs falling outside of desired carcase specifications.

Light-carcase and under-fleshed lambs are being penalised on price by upwards of €1/kg to €2/kg.

The volume of sheepmeat produced from a given level of throughput is slightly below the average of recent years due to the lower average carcase weight of lambs and ewes.

Ewe trade

Ewe quotes range in the main from €3.60/kg to €3.80/kg. Sellers with significant numbers are having some success securing 10c/kg to 20c/kg higher, while, at the top end of the market, outlets such as Ballon Meats remain keen on top-quality ewes and are paying a significant premium of up to €4.40/kg for choice lots.

A couple of plants also continue to differentiate on price for light-carcase ewes, with others penalising ewes with a poor cover of flesh to the tune of €1/kg and higher.

The mart trade is steady, although the very high prices witnessed a few weeks ago for heavy-carcase ewes are more infrequent.

Northern trade

Factories in Northern Ireland have had to reverse plans to cut base prices to £5.80/kg.

Many plants were trying to condition sellers to a 10p/kg cut, but with numbers tight, quotes are steady at £5.90/kg or the equivalent of €7/kg at 84.2p to the euro.

Groups and regular sellers continue to secure 10p/kg higher, with agents working hard to curtail prices to £6/kg.

Numbers exported from Northern Ireland to Ireland for direct slaughter are steady at 7,307 head.