There is more life in the live sheep trade in recent days with mart managers reporting prices firming by an average of €1 to €3 per head. Base factory lamb quotes however, remain unchanged.

Reports from producer groups and farmers show the two Irish Country Meats (ICM) plants and Kepak Athleague operating at an opening quote of €7/kg for quality assured lambs.

Dawn Meats in Ballyhaunis is reported as quoting €7.10/kg with Kildare Chilling 10c/kg higher.

Top prices quoted are in the region of €7.30/kg to €7.40/kg with regular sellers and agents possessing more negotiating power this week. Numbers on the ground appear tighter with this evident in a keener appetite in mart sales.

Sharper trade

Producer groups trading since the end of last week have not realised the benefits of a sharper trade however, where prices in cases are only based on the lower official ICM base quote or Kepak quote plus bonus payment.

Groups are working off a price anywhere from €7.10/kg to €7.20/kg for R grade lambs with U grades 10c/kg higher. Reports indicate that the two ICM plants have increased their carcase weight payment limit to 22kg since the end of last week for groups.

The live ewe trade is also considerably sharper with more buyers operating in the live export market active. This is increasing competition with buyers purchasing heavy carcase ewes for niche demand in abbatoirs.

Quotes in the main factory plants remain at €4/kg but up to €4.40/kg to €4.60/kg is being paid at the higher end of the market. Producers with heavy ewes should weigh up if the mart or factory is the best outlet.