The sheep census is critical for participating in schemes such as the Sheep Welfare Scheme and Sheep Improvement Scheme.
The INHFA claims that it seen an increasing number of farmers contacting its office with concerns over their delayed payments.
Rachel Gallagher reports from Donegal Livestock Mart for the 2025 South West Donegal Blackface Sheep Breeders Group's in-lamb sale.
There is a positive market outlook both for hoggets for slaughtering in the immediate months ahead and also in breeding sales and this should encourage farmers to maximise their performance.
The increase sees opening negotiations for quality assured hoggets lie in the region of €9/kg, with regular sellers and groups securing higher returns from improved market dynamics.
The increase in factory appetite for hoggets has resulted in much more life in the trade, with agents willing to compete with much greater intensity.
The inclusion of red or white clover in perennial rye grass swards and also chicory can offer an opportunity to improve production efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Adam Woods reports from Monday night’s sale of sheep in Kingscourt Mart, Co Cavan.
"Put a donkey or two in the same field with the sheep." - Cyril Gleeson, Birdhill, Co Tipperary