Sheep price update: quotes static but more life in trade
Darren Carty
Mart sales have been livelier in recent days with agents and regular sellers having more success negotiating above quoted prices.
17 July 2024 Markets
Breakeven beef price of €5.54/kg in Ballyvadin
Adam Woods reports from last week’s open day on the Tipperary dairy-beef demonstration farm in Ballyvadin
12 July 2024 News
Changing face of Irish beef industry
The crowds at this week's Dairy Calf to Beef shows farmers are open minded to change, but it has to be shown to work.
Tipperary dairy calf-to-beef farm targets €100,000 profit
The 112ha farm is leased by Teagasc, with 95ha fully reseeded with grass and white clover and 10ha of cereals.
10 July 2024 News
Dawn Meats to expand for Aldi contract
New Aldi contract of 25m per year, will mean 15 new jobs and triggers a €5m expansion for Dawn's Waterford factory.
19 June 2024 News
Dawn Meats to expand Waterford plant and up supplies to Aldi by 35%
The meat processor is to invest €5m to fill €125m deal with Aldi.
17 June 2024 News
New Dawn in South Korea
Opening of South Korea for beef exports means that the top four beef importing countries in the world are now available for Irish beef exports
22 May 2024 News
Balmoral boosts summer positivity
Any business that can’t grow volume and value is immediately on the back foot.
22 May 2024 Viewpoints
New Teagasc demonstration farm rearing 300 dairy-beef calves launched
The farm in Co Tipperary is leased for 15 years from April 2022 and is rearing over 300 dairy-beef calves to finish each year.
22 May 2024 News
Irish Farmers Journal / KPMG report on food security
Irish food producers are moving into an era where supermarkets are far more conscious of food security.
15 May 2024 Viewpoints
Dawn Meats to ship beef monthly to South Korea
Dawn Meats has secured a contract to supply a South Korean firm’s food service, retail and manufacturing customers.
15 May 2024 News
Irish Grass-Fed Beef PGI will be a slow burn
Dawn Meats CEO Niall Browne spoke with Irish Farmers Journal editor Jack Kennedy at the launch of the IFJ KPMG Agribusiness report.
15 May 2024 News