The supply-demand balance in the sheep trade continues to favour farmers, with prices at the start of this week steady to 10c/kg higher.

The movement in some plants has opened up a wider differential in opening prices offered for quality assured (QA) lambs, which range from €7.20/kg to €7.40/kg.

Producer groups and regular sellers are trading in the main from €7.35/kg to €7.40/kg, with those possessing greater negotiating power and handling big numbers pushing returns 10c/kg higher.

Numbers remain relatively tight, despite mart managers and some groups reporting a slight increase in throughput.

In addition to numbers being relatively tight, poorer slaughter performance means that a lower volume of sheepmeat is being delivered.

Mart trade

The mart trade is also benefitting from the dynamics of supply and demand, with prices €1 to €3/head firmer.

Athenry Mart recorded a vibrant trade for fleshed lambs, with those weighing 48kg to 52kg selling from €162 to €172 on average and to €177 and higher for choice lots.

There was also demand for ewe lambs with breeding potential, with hogget producers starting to source suitable lambs.

Ewe trade

The ewe trade is also firm, with the majority of plants quoting in the region of €4/kg for good-quality ewes.

Regular sellers are securing an extra 10c/kg to 15c/kg from the market, while at the top end of the market, prices of €4.40/kg to €4.50/kg have been paid in plants or abattoirs specialising in the ewe trade.

The mart trade continues to be an excellent outlet for producers struggling to command similar returns from factories.

It is also a better equivalent outlet for heavy-carcase ewes, although some factories have also started paying above the quoted weight limits to compete. This should be clarified before sending ewes for killing.