Over 435,000 live sheep imported last year
Anne O'Donoghue
The tonnage of sheepmeat imported over the past 10 years was at its highest in 2023 and 2022.
3 May 2024 Markets
EU sheep flock falls by 1.45m head in 2023
The continued decline in sheep numbers is having a significant effect on production, with the latest European Commission figures showing production fell by 8.1% in January 2024.
17 March 2024 Markets
EU sheepmeat production falls by 6% in 2023
End-of-year figures published by the AHDB shows production falling by some 26,000t to 398,000t, which explains the current high level of demand in the market.
UK sheep price increases 'never seen before'
Currently at £7/kg (€8.20/kg), the AHDB reports that UK sheep prices have never before experienced such an elevated period of higher farmgate returns during January and February.
24 February 2024 Markets
Positive start to 2024 for beef and sheep markets
Bord Bia sheepmeat and livestock manager Seamus McMenamin and beef sector manager Mark Zeig analyse beef and sheep markets.
Bord Bia predicts carryover of 40,000 more lambs
The higher level of throughput is expected to meet a more positive trading environment with EU production predicted to fall by another 1.3% and religious festivals boosting demand.
24 January 2024 Markets
Bord Bia predicts carryover of 40,000 more lambs
The higher level of throughput is expected to meet a more positive trading environment with EU production predicted to fall by another 1.3% and religious festivals boosting demand.
19 January 2024 Markets
EU sheepmeat production continues to fall
The latest figures released by the European Commission show EU sheepmeat production falling by 5.9% or 25,719t for the first 10 months of 2023.
13 January 2024 Markets