The sheep trade has started the week with slightly less competition between factory agents, with this evident in particular in mart sales.

Factories are still keen for sheep, but with more numbers coming on stream it is giving them more scope to play a bit more hardball in negotiations and not have to compete to the same intensity in mart sales.

Base quotes are unchanged at a range of €7.20/kg to €7.40/kg for quality assured (QA) lambs.

This leaves producer groups trading at a similar price of €7.30/kg to €7.40/kg, while regular sellers handling large numbers who were last week securing returns in excess of €7.50/kg are now being offered top prices at this level.

Ewe trade

The ewe trade is steady, although some agents are showing a lower appetite for ewes lacking flesh.

The mart is, in some cases, a better prospect for younger feeding ewes, as, with store lambs meeting a vibrant trade, there are some producers opting to purchase ewes.

Factory quotes for ewes continue in the main at €4/kg for heavier types, with some plants quoting less for ewes weighing less than 35kg. Where this is apparent, quotes range from €3.40/kg to €3.60/kg.

Breeding hoggets

Marts holding their own breeding sales are reporting a flying trade, with tighter numbers a feature of the trade.

The best-quality hoggets in special sales are recording prices ranging from €270 per head to upwards of €320 for prizewinning lots, with a high percentage of nice-quality hoggets selling from €220 to €260 and back to less than €200 for lighter, smaller-framed lots.