Sheep mart comment: steady trade with marginal increases in price
Martin Merrick
A steady week of liveweight sales has been underpinned by factories holding or increasing quotes.
19 August 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: prices paid closer to quoted levels
Reports indicate supplies have increased in recent days, taking the pressure from agents to compete to the same degree and pay well above quoted prices.
14 August 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: insatiable demand from buyers in Loughrea
With only two lots going unsold, a 98% clearance across the yard showed the demand for sheep of all categories in Loughrea Mart on Thursday last.
Reviewing replacement policy options for your flock
There is an expectation among farmers that hogget supplies may be tighter this season which may lead to some farmers reviewing their replacement policy.
27 June 2024 Sheep breeding