Ram sales are in full flight and reports from marts point to keen demand from farmers looking to purchase Sheep Improvement Scheme (SIS)-eligible rams. This is not surprising, given Sheep Ireland’s report that 7,600, or about 40%, of farmers participating in SIS are obliged to purchase a scheme-eligible ram in 2024. The interest is generating a significant volume of queries at present.

To recap on the genotyped ram action, there is a slight difference between the options available to lowland and hill sheep flocks. Lowland flocks must purchase a ram rated four- or five-star on the replacement or terminal index and have a genomic evaluation with Sheep Ireland at the time of purchase. These rams must also be classified as Type 1, 2 or 3 for Scrapie.

Hill sheep flocks have two options for purchasing a ram. They can take the option outlined above for lowland flocks or purchase a hill breed ram. If selecting the latter option, then the ram needs to be DNA sire-verified by Sheep Ireland and be a Type 1, 2 or 3 for Scrapie at the time of purchase.

Below are some of the queries being raised, in question and answer format for ease of reading.

I have two genotyped lowland rams for sale, one of which I purchased last year to satisfy my own flock’s requirement. Can I sell these on now to another flockowner who is required to purchase a ram in year two?

Yes, these rams can be sold to another flock, but it is important to ensure that they are still rated as four- or five-star on the replacement or terminal index at the point of sale, as an animal’s genetic evaluation can change as more information becomes available. The latest genetic evaluation can be found on the Sheep Ireland ram search facility, https://appsh.sheep.ie/ram-search. Rams can be searched by NSIS tag number, pedigree ID, animal name, etc.

How long must I retain a ram I purchase?

There is no minimum timeframe outlined in the terms and conditions. These state that applicants to the scheme are “required to purchase and use a genotyped ram within the scheme year(s) that they have selected for this action on their application”.

Common sense needs to prevail on the length of time the ram is used. An example of a shorter timeframe could be a maternal ram used for a cycle, before switching to a terminal ram or change of breed, etc.

Can I swap a ram with my neighbour as I have daughters retained and need to switch breed lines and still satisfy scheme requirements by purchasing their SIS-eligible ram?

Under the terms and conditions a ram must be purchased to satisfy scheme requirements. Your neighbour could still purchase a ram from you, and you can purchase from them, but for the scheme a financial transaction must take place and the animal must change ownership as per National Sheep Identification Rules, with relevant documentation submitted..

Can the same ram satisfy the requirements of two flocks in one season?

Yes, the same ram can satisfy the requirements of more than one flock, but again common sense should prevail with regard to the use of a ram in the scheme year. For example, a ram could be used in an early-lambing flock and then be traded to be used in a mid-season lambing flock. Again, the ram must be traded and be SIS-eligible at the point of purchase.

I think I selected years two and five to purchase rams. Can I double-check if this is the case easily?

Yes, this can be easily checked by logging on to your agfood.ie account and entering the SIS portal. The first page of the respective year will denote the reference number of ewes, while the second page will denote the actions selected and the year of genotyping selected.

Is it possible to change the year for purchasing a genotyped ram in 2024 similar to in 2023?

The allowance to defer the selected year of purchase for rams in 2023 was introduced on the back of concerns over the availability of SIS eligible rams. There has been no discussions regarding similar concerns in 2024, so it is best at this point in time to progress with plans to purchase a ram if required for use in the 2024 breeding season.

What penalties apply if I do not purchase a ram as planned in 2024?

The terms and conditions state that where an applicant fails to complete the genotyped ram action in the year selected, applicants will not receive payment for the genotyped ram action for the year in question and will receive a 50% penalty on their action A payment.

In such a scenario, the genotyped ram action will roll over in to the following year and replace the standard action B, which would be due for completion in that year.

If an applicant fails to do the genotyped ram action in the following year, the applicant will receive no payment for either action A or action B for that year and an administrative penalty of 20% based on the overall amount, which would have been payable in the scheme year, will be imposed.

The applicant will also be deemed ineligible to participate in subsequent scheme years and will be withdrawn from the scheme.