The ongoing uncertainty around the budget for farm support schemes was discussed at a meeting of UK agriculture ministers in London on Monday. NI Agriculture Minister Andrew Muir said he raised the issue with senior UK government minister Steve Reed, who is head of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal, Minister Muir said he pressed for a “multi-annual settlement” to allow for longer term plans to be put in place for farm schemes over several years.

He said the NI agriculture budget, which currently equates to around £330m each year, should be “safeguarded, remain ring fenced and uplifted year on year in line with inflation”.

“The funding is absolutely critical to deliver food security and enable us to achieve environmental improvements needed,” he said.

Minister Muir also reiterated his request for “separate capital funding” to be made available to NI farmers to help improve greenhouse gas emissions, as well as water and air quality.

Sources suggest clarity from the UK government on agricultural funding issues is unlikely to come before the autumn budget on 30 October 2024.