Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue has stated that he does not expect Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Schemes III (TAMS) reference costs to be updated until mid-2025.

The minister said last week that he anticipates farmers’ receipts for investment items grant aided under TAMS up to the second half of 2024 to be used for the next review of the scheme’s reference costs.

The Department of Agriculture reviews TAMS reference costs using the prices paid by farmers in receipts submitted to gain payment approval for the scheme.

The last review took place at the end of 2022 into the beginning of 2023.

“The reference costs are updated periodically to ensure that they reflect actual/market costs for the construction of farm buildings and facilities, and for farm equipment,” Minister McConalogue responded to Fianna Fáil TD Jackie Cahill on a question put to him on the matter.

“To achieve this objective, the review of the reference costs is based on a comparison with receipted costs. For an effective comparison, an adequate number of receipted claims are required.

“A further review of the reference costs is envisaged in the second half of this year, with a publication of the revised costs likely in mid-2025.”


Department approvals are currently issuing for tranche 2 of TAMS III, with the third tranche closed in April and the current tranche will remain open until 6 September.

Speaking in early June, the minister stated that over 12,000 approvals had been issued under the scheme.

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TAMS III payments to start issuing this week

TAMS approval rates slow, with 899 applications approved in a month

TAMS costings: review required amid skewed results