Five-year high for Irish beef exports
Phelim O'Neill
Bord Bia data shows that Irish beef export volumes hit a five-year high for first four months of the year.
28 June 2024 News
Wojciechowski puts down marker for next CAP
The present European Commission may have an end-of-term feeling, but it can still have influence on its successors.
26 June 2024 News
Market Digest: stories from around the world
Brief news snippets from New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom and Indonesia.
Grocery price inflation falls but weather hits sales
Dramatic fall in food price inflation from this time last year, but dull weather hits sales of summer products, according to Kantar data.
24 June 2024 News
Clouds gathering in Irish dairy sector
Irish dairy has been the success story of the Irish agri economy over the past decade, but that era looks like it is drawing to a close.
23 June 2024 News
Beef Trends: sun shining on factory trade
With numbers below 30,000 last week, factories are having to chase cattle.
19 June 2024 Markets
Market Digest: stories from around the world
Brief news snippets from Zimbabwe, China, United States and Australia.
19 June 2024 World
China responds to EU tariffs on electric cars
Irish and EU pork exports to China in the firing line, as China responds to EU introduction of 38.5% tariff on electric vehicles.
19 June 2024 News
Dawn Meats to expand for Aldi contract
New Aldi contract of 25m per year, will mean 15 new jobs and triggers a €5m expansion for Dawn's Waterford factory.
19 June 2024 News
Brexit woes build for UK importers
The effects of Brexit are only now being felt by UK importers and exporters to the UK because of the delay in implementing border controls post Brexit.
16 June 2024 News
Health risk from ultra processed foods
Reports from Lancet Regional Health Europe and WHO both target ultra-processed food as unhealthy.
14 June 2024 News
Market digest - stories from around the world
Brief news snippets from Croatia, Türkiye, USA and Brazil
12 June 2024 World