USA – food nutrition and assistance

USDA reports that the US government spent $166.4bn (€155bn) on food and nutrition programmes in 2023, a 13% reduction on 2022 but 54.5% more than 2019.

UK – jump in beef imports from Australia

AHDB data shows that the UK imported 980t of fresh beef from Australia in January to April 2024 compared with 127t in the same period last year.

Indonesia – Friesland programme concludes

Friesland Campina has announced the conclusion of its 10-year programme with 3,500 dairy farmers in Indonesia through infrastructure upgrades and farm-level practices.

New Zealand – sheepmeat prices at seven-year low

A beef and lamb New Zealand report reveals that sheepmeat prices in China have fallen below levels in the 2016/17 season when prices began to increase.