The dealer did a double take last Saturday when a Belgian Blue sucky calf hit €900 in Carrigallen.
Nevan McKiernan reports from the British Limousin Cattle Society red ladies show and sale in Carlisle.
Nevan McKiernan reports from the Winter Fair in Carrick-on-Shannon, where a heifer calf sold for €30,000.
Records were broken in Mayo-Sligo Mart, Ballina, when €4,600 was paid for a Belgian Blue-cross heifer calf.
All types of Simmental heifers met with firm demand at the annual Simmental-crossbred sale in Ballymote on Saturday last.
Adam Woods speaks to Seamus Nagle about the Salers breed and what it can add to suckler systems.
Adam Woods reports from Carrigallen Mart’s special in-calf heifer sale, which took place last Saturday.