Balancing payments have now been made across the BISS, CRISS and Eco Scheme with payments under the young farmers scheme and national reserve also commencing recently.
SUBSCRIBER ONLYEU agriculture ministers are pushing to maintain a separate and independent CAP containing two pillars post-2027.
Payments worth €31m also began this week under the Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers scheme.
The payments were confirmed by Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue, which will affect 96,731 farmers in the ANC scheme.
Outgoing Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue confirmed the commencement, which will bring the total paid under the 2024 scheme to €807m.
Delegates attending this week’s Teagasc and CAFRE Uplands Symposium were told that a failure to address farm viability in uplands areas will lead to land abandonment and reduced social activity.
The potential upside is that these farmers have what the EU now values very highly, but has paid very little for.
Payments are ongoing under the ANC, BISS, CRISS and eco scheme and many more will commence from the end of November onwards.
Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue made the announcement that payments for 110,450 will commence from Monday, 21 October.
Advance payments are commencing from Wednesday 16 October at a rate of 70%.