ICSA secretary general Hugh Farrell has said that the factories are in "desperation for numbers".
Nevan McKiernan reports from the Irish Angus Cattle Society's elite show and sale in Carrick-on-Shannon.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade including the latest beef quotes available for finished stock.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including news of another lift to beef quotes.
Speaking at Diary Day, Kevin Downing of the ICBF said that farmers will be able to view the CBV of calves entered in marts ahead of the sale from next week.
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Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest quotes for factory-finished cattle.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade, including the latest factory quotes for finished animals.
The initiative will involve Certified Irish Angus cattle being reared on Airfield Estate’s city farm in south Dublin, accessible to all visitors.
Nevan Mc Kiernan previews the Keys to Success Angus sale set to take place this weekend online via timed auction.