There is no real change in this week’s sheep trade.

Throughput is steady, but quality well-fleshed lambs remain in relatively tight supply.

This is most apparent in live sales, with butchers and agents competing and, in many cases, pushing returns above equivalent deadweight prices.

Factory base quotes are unchanged and reports continue to range in a wide differential from €7.10/kg to €7.40/kg.

A high percentage of R grading lambs are selling from €7.20/kg to €7.30/kg, with many producer groups averaging in the region of €7.30/kg for R grades and €7.40/kg for U grades.

Regular sellers and those with greater negotiating power are securing returns upwards of €7.40/kg, but buyers are reluctant to pay 5c/kg to 10c/kg higher unless large consignments are top quality.

Variability in ewe trade

There is some variability entering the ewe trade. The majority of plants are quoting in the region of €3.90/kg to €4/kg for fleshed ewes. Reports point to Kepak Athleague quoting €3.70/kg for ewes, while Kildare Chilling is reported as quoting €3.90/kg for heavier ewes and €3.40/kg for ewes less than 35kg carcase weight.

At the top end of the market, outlets specialising in high-quality ewes, such as Ballon Meats, are paying €4.40/kg and higher for choice ewes. The mart trade remains a good outlet for producers with small numbers of ewes and struggling to negotiate on price.

Northern trade

A number of factories in Northern Ireland continue to focus more so on their beef kill and are handling limited numbers of sheep.

Base quotes continue to range from £5.90/kg to £6/kg or the equivalent of €6.99/kg to €7.10/kg.

Regular sellers and some groups are securing 10p/kg to 15p/kg higher.

Prices in Britain are steady, with R grading lambs averaging upwards of £6.50/kg (€7.70/kg).

The significant price differential continues to support live exports to Britain, with numbers reported as remaining north of 2,500 head, while keen demand from agents purchasing sheep for export to Ireland is fueling firm numbers heading south for direct slaughter.