My name is Kaleigh Dolan. I’m 10 years old and I’m from Aughrim, Co Galway, where a huge battle took place on 12 July, 1691. All around our farm is the battlefield and lots of visitors call to the village to see it.

I’m going into fourth class at Laurencetown NS this year. I like school as I get to see my friends but I love the summer because I get to spend more time with my pony, Lady, and go to more competitions.

We got Lady in May last year from Navan, Co Meath. I had a pony before her but it didn’t work out, so Mammy went looking and found her. Daddy always says Mammy can’t find a pony close to home.

Lady is a 128cm pony. She is 24 years old this year but she acts more like a five-year-old. No one can believe her age when they see her. I’ve had a great time with her so far. She hadn’t competed before we bought her and now she has over 90 SJI points.

Mammy always washes and plaits Lady for me, and she also walks the courses with me. Daddy has to do all the driving and running around after us.

Just last weekend, I competed in my first ever under 10s competition at Crossmolina Agricultural Show and I came second. I was so proud and hope to do a few more before I’m over-age. Hopefully, I can win the next one.

Jessica Burke won a big class at Hickstead with her horse Express Trend the same day as I came second in the U10s. I hope to be as good as her one day. Mammy’s horse Henry is by the same stallion [Future Trend] as Jessica’s, so hopefully I can borrow him and win as much.

I love show jumping, my favourites are Jessica Burke, Cian O’Connor and Shane Sweetnam. Shane’s horse James Kann Cruz was born in Co Galway and was at the Olympics in Paris.

Equine friends

My parents Aidan and Kathrina are members of the Tynagh Riding Club and Mammy has started show jumping too, so we go to a lot of competitions.

The Tynagh RC shows are the best fun as I get to make tea for everyone and I’m also allowed to bring my hobby horse Hurricane to these shows. When the competition is finished, we get to jump the fences.

Kaleigh with Hurricane, one of the Tynagh Riding Club hobby horses. Hurricane was in the St Patrick’s Day parade. \ Susan Finnerty

The adults love him and some even have a spin on him. They had a novelty relay competition with hobby horses, it was very funny. The hobby horses even got to be in the St Patrick’s Day parade in Loughrea this year with the club.

I’ve been taking pictures of our new foal, Spuds. Mammy bought his mammy Nancy at the Ballinasloe Fair and Spuds was a surprise foal. It was lovely because I always wanted a foal. I even have a class photo of him lying down beside me in the stable.

I can’t wait until Spuds is old enough for me to train. I’m really looking forward to it as I’ve loads to learn and I’ll be training him myself. I already have him leading and picking up all his legs.

For now though, I’m going to concentrate on trying my best to be as good of a rider as I can. I get lessons every week from Miles Cash. He is just brilliant. He has already taught me loads and has given me so much confidence.

My nanny Paula is afraid of horses but she loves getting the weekly videos from my lessons and competitions. We go to see her after every event to show her all my rosettes. Sadly, my other nanny Anna died but she would have been so excited to see them all too.

My grandad Pat says I’ll get to Dublin to the RDS with Lady yet.

Someday, I’d love to be able to say I’ve qualified for the RDS.