Applied as a foliar treatment during the peak demand stage, VIXERAN® provides a sustainable, reliable source of nitrogen to the crop.

Based on a bacterium called Azotobacter salinestris CECT 9690, which is highly efficient in fixing free atmospheric nitrogen into a form readily useable by crops, VIXERAN® colonises the leaves, roots and rhizosphere, supplying a constant source of nitrogen to the crop.

Addressing a technical webinar in February, Syngenta Biologicals market development manager Neil Procter stated: “It is essential to still achieve economic yield, but growers need to look at ways to enhance N utilisation – be that legumes, soil health or using the benefits of VIXERAN® to supply nitrogen naturally and sustainably.

“Nitrogen-fixing VIXERAN® is a new opportunity for farmers looking to optimise crop nutrient balance and efficiency, reducing the reliance on high levels of conventional fertilisers to achieve profitable yields, whilst supporting soil health.”

Conventional N consumes significant levels of energy in its production, Neil Procter noted. The plant expends energy to convert nitrates taken up through the root into ammonium - and then into amino acids and proteins in order to build biomass; energy which could be better utilised in driving growth if the N is supplied in a more readily useable form.

Since cereals use 70% of their N requirement in the early stages of development, the continuous supply of N provided by VIXERAN® within the plant can assist in mitigating the physical constraints of conventional fertiliser application, timing and weather conditions for its utilisation, be they too dray for uptake or too wet and leached away.

VIXERAN® forms cysts to survive hostile conditions, leading to a wider range of compatibility with other crop protection products. It produces a protective biofilm around the entire plant and helps to maximise the colonisation process, protecting both plant and bacteria from harsh environmental pressures. And by colonising the whole plant, VIXERAN® provides more consistent benefits for your crop.

Trials have illustrated that VIXERAN® can replace up to 30kgN/ha – with growers advised to consult a qualified adviser for guidance on nitrogen applications.

Neil Procter continued: “There is no shortage of nitrogen; it makes up nearly 80% of the atmosphere, equating to an estimated 75 tonnes of N above every hectare of crop. However, the challenge is that plants are unable to use that nitrogen without the help of specialist microbes. The development of VIXERAN® gives the opportunity to make better use of the resource, for more efficient and sustainable crop production.”

While many bacteria can fix atmospheric N, including healthy soil microbial activity, there is huge variability in the efficiency with which they can achieve it, according to expert opinion.

VIXERAN®’s efficiency - once applied - is one of its key strengths according to Mónica Perdices Hoyo, the Technical Director of Ceres Biotics.

“What sets the VIXERAN® bacterial strain apart – and makes it so applicable for field applications – is the speed at which it gets to work and its resilience to climatic conditions, which means it will provide reliable results more consistently in a wider range of crops,” she said.

Easily applicable for a range of agronomy programmes, using VIXERAN® will add a breath of fresh air to your fertiliser strategy.


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