An Taoiseach Simon Harris said that he is engaging with Minister for Finance Michael McGrath to resolve the VAT rebate issue for farmers.

The change in interpretation by Revenue of how VAT can be reclaimed by non-VAT-registered farmers has caused them some angst, An Taoiseach admitted while speaking on a Co Kildare tillage farm on Thursday as part of the launch of Fine Gael's new agricultural forum.

He added that he would like to see the provision of clarity for farmers on which items are eligible and which are not.

"I think there needs to be absolute clarity provided in relation to this. This is an issue that has been brought up in the Dáil on many ocassions and I know the Minister for Finance is giving consideration to this.

"There hasn't been a change, but more a change in interpretation which has caused real angst for farmers and I would like to see this clarity brought to the situation quickly," he said.

Meanwhile, Revenue officials visited the farm of former Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) deputy president Brian Rushe to view items that are in dispute in relation to VAT rebate.

Revenue was shown items such as meal bins, calf feeders, water troughs, cubicle mats, slat mats and bulk tanks.

The IFA argued that these items should continue to qualify for VAT refund for non-VAT-registered farmers.