The Irish Blue Texel Society held its seventh annual premier show and sale in Carrick-on-Shannon on 16 August.

The sale saw an improved average and clearance rate compared with the 2023 sale.

The pre-sale show was judged by Angus Brisbane from the Auctmantle Flock in Scotland.

With 108 catalogued entries - consisting of 16 Dassenkops and just over 90 Blue Texels - the placings were tightly contested in some large classes throughout the event.

Diamond I Fancy Ewe from Saoirse Oliver and Nigel Hogan of the Diamond Flock in Co Carlow took the overall reserve championship spot in the Blue Texel section after winning a very strongly contested ewe lamb class earlier in the day and then selling for the top-priced female of the day.

She sold to the UK for €1,160. She was sired by the Diamond flock's imported Belgian ram that also sired the top-priced lot of the day Diamond Igor that claimed the overall championship spot and sold to NI buyer David Pennell for €1,400.

The second-highest price of the day came from the pen of Michael Oliver and sold for €1,100 to the flock of Joe Nolan, Co Carlow.

Red ribbon

The Swift brothers also had a successful day picking up the red ribbon in a strong junior ram lamb section and then going on to sell their two Matts GrandPrix-sired ram lambs for €940 and €780.

Donegal breeder Jessica Wilson sold her high-indexed ram lamb to Mary Gordon from Sligo for €820.

Throughout the day, commercial trade was strong, with Robert and Adam Johnston selling their three ram lambs for €900, €840 and €800, all away to commercial farmers.

Dassenkop section

In the smaller Dassenkop section, the Diamond flock continued its winning streak taking the overall championship title with their ewe lamb Diamond Ideal. She went on to sell for €550.

Their ram lamb Diamond Ignoramus took the reserve championship title and sold for €600. Both lambs were sired by their homebred ram Diamond Hector.

Ballyarrell Hulk from Donegal breeder Damien McElchar stood first in the shearling ram class earlier in the day and sold for €820, the top price in the Dassenkop section, to a commercial farmer from Waterford.