Almost 90% of eligible farmers in the third zone of the Soil Nutrient Health Scheme (SNHS) applied for the free soil sampling service.

Figures released by the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) show that 5,927 businesses applied for SNHS, which covers 138,248 fields.

There were 6,640 eligible farm businesses in the third zone of the scheme which mainly covers Derry and north Tyrone.

This year’s farmer uptake rate is in line with the first two zones of SNHS.

The scheme gives participants details of the soil nutrient status of their land, as well as an estimate of overall carbon stocks on their farm.

Participation is a requirement for claiming the new Farm Sustainability Payment.

The fourth and final zone of SNHS, which covers the northeast of NI, will be rolled out in 2025-2026.