Fallen poles and cables might seem harmless, but they’re hiding serious dangers. The constant barrage of storms, rain and high winds poses unprecedented challenges.

The open eir overhead network consists of cables under high tension. If damaged, these cables can be unpredictable and snap back unexpectedly, causing severe harm.

When cutting trees or branches, avoid the overhead network completely.

The message from open eir is to stay safe and report any hazardous situations immediately.

The absence of a visible electricity cable doesn't guarantee your safety from an electrical hazard.

Report any damaged infrastructure by calling 1800 245 245.

The open eir customer care team gives priority to faults involving health and safety concerns, ensuring a swift response. Immediate danger to the public should be reported also to An Garda Síochána.

When reporting damaged infrastructure, you will be asked for details such as location, type of damage and nearby landmarks for efficient resolution.

A collaborative effort between open eir, the public and the gardaí is essential to mitigate the risks associated with damaged telecoms infrastructure.

By following these guidelines and reporting issues promptly, open eir can ensure a safer environment and the continued reliability of the telecoms network.

open eir Networks: Together, we’re building a safer, more connected Ireland.