ABP Food Group has become the first Irish beef processor to launch in the South Korean market.

The agribusiness company secured an export agreement with K Meat during a trade mission to China and South Korea led by Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue and Minister of State Martin Heydon.

This long-term deal has seen ABP deliver three shipments to date from its locations in Monaghan, Tipperary, and Wexford.

Responding to the agreement, ABP international sales general manager, Martin McMahon, said this marks a “step forward” for both ABP and the Irish beef sector as a whole.

“China and South Korea are extremely important markets and there is a great opportunity for quality Irish beef in the food service and retail spaces.”

Asian market

ABP have previous experience in the Asian market becoming the first European beef processor to secure a contract in China when it signed a three-year deal with restaurant chain Wowprime Corporation in 2018 and in 2019, made an agreement with Beijing Hopewise Ltd.

They continue to supply the Asian country with beef since the lifting of a restriction on Irish beef imports in May 2020.

Bord Bia chief executive Jim O’Toole said he is happy to see this experience transfer over into the South Korean market.

“The launch of Irish beef in Korea is the culmination of years of relationship building with Korean trade supported by significant government efforts to gain access.

“Since access was achieved four months ago, there has been immediate interest from the Korean trade who recognise that Irish beef offers a premium, grass-fed alternative to their existing portfolio.”