Factories not supportive of real quality animals, say farmers
Phelim O'Neill
It is ironic that the top quality beef bred carcases are often outside supermarket specification while dairy bred cattle do.
24 July 2024 Markets
Factory buyers active for forward cattle
Heavy cattle were in demand at Gortatlea Mart on Friday with factory buyers on the lookout for forward cattle of all classes.
24 July 2024 Markets
In pictures: store lambs off to a flyer in Plumbridge
The first store lamb sale of 2024 in Plumbridge Mart got off to a flyer, with a big turnout of buyers hungry for stock.
Aileach View Kala taps out at €2,800
Donegal breeders Jack and Sean O’Brien saw the hammer fall at €2,800 for their champion ram lamb Aileach View Kala, at the Beltex premier sale in Tullamore last Friday.
24 July 2024 Pedigree
Factory buyers active for forward cattle
Heavy cattle were in demand at Gortatlea Mart on Friday, with factory buyers on the lookout for forward cattle of all classes.
24 July 2024 Markets
Higher prices for heavy cattle
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade including the latest on live exports.
24 July 2024 Markets
Grain Trends: EU report forecasts decline in yields
The latest European Commission crop monitoring report came out this week. It forecast a drop in most crop yields.
24 July 2024 Markets
Dairy markets steady as holidays start
The European market is quite as traders take a holiday, but talk of surplus milk powder in China is likely to have a knock-on effect.
24 July 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: cull ewes grabbing the headlines
Some very fancy prices have been reported this week, with heavy fleshed ewes ranging in cases from €210 to €240 and rising as high as €260 to €290 in isolated cases.
24 July 2024 Markets
Beef trade in the balance
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest quotes for factory finished cattle
24 July 2024 Markets
Finished lambs hold firm in Dowra
Factory fit lambs in Dowra saw a lift in price in last week’s sale, but store trade was slightly easier than the week before.
24 July 2024 Markets
Sheep trends: Lower quotes lift by 10c/kg
Opening quotes for quality assured lambs rang from €7.10/kg to €7.20/kg, with higher prices ranging from €7.30/kg to €7.40/kg.
24 July 2024 Markets