It’s been another very busy week in the country’s marts, with some big numbers moving out in the last seven days.

Weather and grass growth are likely pushing out some a little earlier than usual.

The biggest driver of all though is the trade with farmers wanting to capitalise on the big demand that is out there, especially in the weanling trade.

Exporters continue to light up marts around the country, with a number of Ireland’s largest exporters still very active for weanlings and store cattle.

A number of different markets secured by these exporters has meant that all types of quality of weanling is in demand with customers for most types.

The outlook for the rest of the year is very positive, with mart managers reporting that the steady flow of weanlings that they have seen over the last few weeks will help the trade in September and October, the peak period for weanling sales.

In other years, a glut of weanlings at this time of the year would have put pressure on the trade, but, such is the demand this year, it’s not likely that any pressure will come on the trade.

Weanling exports are currently running 35% ahead of the same period in 2023, while store exports are also running 43% ahead of the same period in 2023.

Several big loads of older weanling, store and adult cattle have departed Ireland for Israel, Algeria and Morocco during 2024 to date, with the latest load of 2,400 cattle departing on the Shorthorn Express from Greenore Port last weekend. That ship was due to dock in Casablanca port in Morocco and be back in Ireland for another load inside the next 10 days.

Finished cattle remain in very tight supply in NI and feeders are looking for cattle to replace slaughtered cattle for a Christmas market finish.

Taking a look at this week’s Martbids analysis table, we see that bullocks had another steady week in mart rings around the country.

While the arrows are red, the changes are very small and immaterial in most cases.

Top-quality bullocks in the 500kg to 600kg weight category came in at €3.12/kg, back 3c/kg on the previous week.

Average-quality bullocks in the same weight category came in at €2.74/kg, back 4c/kg on the previous week.

In the heifer rings, it was a similar story, with slight gains being seen in the top-quality category.

Top-quality heifers in the 500kg to 600kg weight bracket came in at €3.10/kg this week, up 2c/kg on the previous week.

Poorer-quality heifers in the same weight bracket came in at €2.55/kg this week, the same price as last week.

The weanling trade was back a little on the previous week, especially in the heifer weanling rings.

Top-quality bulls in the 300kg to 400kg weight bracket came in at €3.79/kg this week, back 6c/kg on the previous week. Average-quality bulls were back 15c/kg to €3.19/kg.

Numbers continue to be small in the heifer rings, with farmers concentrating on selling bulls. Prices for weanling heifers were back this week, with top-quality heifers in the 300kg to 400kg weight bracket back by 19c/kg to €3.43/kg.