Martbids Database: weanling trade gathers pace
Adam Woods
Adam Woods takes a look at this week’s mart trade and what’s happening in the country’s marts.
29 May 2024 Markets
Martbids Database: big drop in mart numbers
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade, including news of what’s happening in the country’s marts.
15 May 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: big numbers in Ballybay
Adam Woods reports from Friday night’s suckler and weanling sale in Ballybay Mart in Co Monaghan.
Camera at the Mart: no sign of weanling trade weakening in Mohill
Shanon Kinahan reports from the weekly weanling sale in Mohill Mart last Wednesday.
15 May 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: grass buyers out in force in Ballymote
The final spring weanling sale in Ballymote saw strong farmer activity, with quality being highly sought after.
1 May 2024 Markets
Martbids Database: grass buyers fire up trade for light weanlings
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade, including the latest on what’s happening in the country’s marts
24 April 2024 Markets
Farmer Writes: suckler farmers a rare breed
If our weather is going to continue to be as unpredictable as it has been in the last couple of years, the winter is going to be more of a slog than ever
24 April 2024 Farmer Writes
Camera at the Mart: prices jump once again in Gort
Shanon Kinahan was in Gort on Thursday night, where a strong trade was reported for the weekly weanling sale.
10 April 2024 Markets
In pictures: Heery's heifers hit over €5,000 in Carrigallen
Adam Woods reports from Jim Heery’s special sale of weanling heifers in Carrigallen Mart last Saturday.
9 April 2024 Markets
Heery hitting the high-end heifer market
Adam Woods visits a Cavan farmer aiming to breed high end heifers for a growing market.
6 April 2024 Breeding & health
Martbids Database: cattle trade eases a little
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s cattle trade, including what’s happening in the country’s marts.
3 April 2024 Markets
In-pictures: trade solid for quality stock in Castlerea
The trade in Thursday’s sale was reported as withstanding the effects of adverse weather with the exception of plainer-quality aged store heifers which were a little harder sold.
31 March 2024 Markets