There is no significant change in the lamb trade this week, with factory quotes and prices paid remaining unchanged.

Base quotes continue to range in a wide differential from €7/kg to €7.30/kg.

The majority of plants are operating at an opening quote of €7/kg to €7.15/kg - or €7.20/kg to €7.30/kg for quality assured lambs, with reports indicating Kildare Chilling remain out in front in rewarding local producers.

A high percentage of lambs are trading from €7.20/kg to €7.30/kg, with producer groups typically trading in the region of €7.30/kg for R grading lambs and €7.40/kg for U grading lambs.

The latter price is also being achieved in some factories by regular sellers handling large numbers.

There are some deals being completed at the top end of the market above €7.40/kg level, but the frequency is low.

Northern Ireland

Prices also remain steady in Northern Ireland. Factories continue to offer an opening base quote of £5.90/kg, which is the equivalent of €7.09/kg at Monday evening’s exchange rate of 83.3p to the euro.

Regular sellers and groups are being paid £6/kg (€7.21/kg), but agents are reluctant to go above this level.

Buyers from Britain who had been active in sourcing lambs for direct slaughter have not been active in recent weeks.

The number of sheep exported from Northern Ireland to Britain under the breeding and production category had been trending above 2,000 head on a weekly basis for much of the summer, but according to reports now appears to have dropped back to less than 1,000 head.

Ewe trade

Ewe numbers continue to be finely balanced, with demand leaving prices unchanged.

The general quote on offer from the majority of plants ranges from €3.60/kg to €3.80/kg, with Ballon Meats remaining well out in front at €4.40/kg for top-quality ewes.

Lighter carcase ewes are being differentiated on price, with the level of reduction varying between plants.

Some are paying 40c/kg to 50c/kg lower for ewes less than 35kg, while others are deducting upwards of €1/kg for light carcase ewes weighing less than 25kg at a fat score of 2.