Joe Molloy, Tullamore Show chair

Last year has flown by and it’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again. I look forward to welcoming people from every corner of Ireland to the Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock Show on Sunday 11 August 2024.

It is my privilege and pleasure to present the Tullamore Show Focus in conjunction with the Irish Farmers Journal. This Focus includes highlights from the 2024 show, together with the full programme of events we have to offer to help pre-plan your day

I would like to acknowledge and thank FBD, our main sponsor, for its continued support and look forward to working with you again this year.

We are so grateful to Anne Marie Butterfield and Stephen McQuade for providing us with such a superb site at the Butterfield Estate. A huge thank you to all the local landowners, residents and car park owners for their support and co-operation.

Finally, I wish all exhibitors and competitors, from every corner of Ireland and even from abroad, the very best of luck for the event and I hope you have a safe and enjoyable day.

John Cahalan, chief commercial officer, FBD Insurance

With less than a week until the Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock Show, the team at FBD Insurance is looking forward to welcoming you to the show. As proud sponsor of the FBD National Livestock Show, it is an honour for us to be part of such a vibrant show.

FBD Insurance is proud of our farming heritage and our support for agriculture and agribusinesses.

To all the entrants who have meticulously prepared livestock for the day, I commend your dedication and pursuit of excellence. The FBD National Livestock Show has long been a platform for showcasing the finest livestock, and this year will be no different.

Protecting the environment is a critical issue for the agricultural industry and we are delighted to see the sustainable livestock village back at Tullamore Show after its success last year.

We are proud partners in the “speakers’ corner” at the sustainable livestock village, which will offer advice about practical, sustainable actions for your farm. I urge you to visit the sustainable livestock village to find out more.

Drop in to stand L99 at Tullamore Show to meet the FBD team. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ray Brady, president of the Irish Shows Association

Agricultural shows affiliated to the Irish Shows Association (ISA) will benefit from the €1m funding being provided by Minister Heather Humphreys, Department of Rural and Community Development, to develop their shows.

New ideas and activities in shows are supported with the funding, eg development, sustainability and biodiversity.

Tullamore Show and the FBD National Livestock Show is one of over 120 shows sharing in this investment package. As the general running costs of staging the show are increasing each year, it is very difficult to fund new developments without the support of Government bodies and various organisations.

New developments are vital to the progress of the show, so the funding support from the Department of Rural and Community Development is very much appreciated.

It is of great benefit to Tullamore Show and agricultural shows, in general.

Agricultural shows sum up all that is good about rural Ireland

The administration of the €1m funding is being carried out by the ISA. In a statement, Minister Humphreys confirmed that she was delighted to work with the ISA in the distribution of this funding.

Her statement says: “Agricultural shows sum up all that is good about rural Ireland. They are intrinsically linked to that sense of community that our rural towns and villages are known for”.

Shows are key dates in the summer calendar and are a central point for the agri-food industry, the farming community and our local artisan producers, not to mention a fantastic family day out.

With the continued support of the funding from Minister Humphreys, this unique experience will remain a key feature of rural Ireland.