The wet weather is not playing ball with the harvest in some areas. Although farmers in south Tipperary reported that they had been able to cut all weekend and this week. This weekend is to bring some sunshine to most areas.

Yields are not good for many. Some winter barley is coming in at 2t/ac. Most is probably just under or over the 3t/ac mark, with a good few reports of 3.25-3.3t/ac at 19-20% moisture content. Reports of 4t/ac and above are not a common occurrence, but are being reported.

Farmers are struggling to get moisture contents down to 20% or lower in the weather and need sunshine to bring those figures down. The majority of winter barley will be ready in the coming week, with some needing to be cut immediately, while oats are already on farmer’s agendas, with early yield reports of approximately 3.5t/ac, and oilseed rape is not far away.

On a more positive note, grain prices were looking slightly better this week, after a drop last week.