UK sheepmeat imports fall by almost 2,000t in April as exports down 1,700t
Darren Carty
Higher import and export volumes were underpinned in April by the Easter and Ramadan festivals, with production and demand easing in April.
12 June 2024 Markets
Record Australian lamb exports of 36,307t in May
Sheep slaughter figures and lamb export volumes appear to be setting new milestones on a monthly basis.
8 June 2024 News
Record Australian lamb exports of 36,307t in May
Sheep slaughter figures and lamb export volumes appear to be setting new milestones on a monthly basis.
New Zealand sheepmeat exports to UK up 4,400t in Q1 2024
The AHDB reports imports for the first three months of 2024 reaching 10,500t, almost similar to volumes imported in 2021.
18 May 2024 Markets
EU sheep flock falls by 1.45m head in 2023
The continued decline in sheep numbers is having a significant effect on production, with the latest European Commission figures showing production fell by 8.1% in January 2024.
3 May 2024 Markets
Australian sheepmeat exports exceed 50% of global trade for first time
The increase in exports in 2023 to approximately 550,000t occurred on the back of record levels of production.
7 April 2024 Markets
British hogget prices soar to €9.24/kg
A review of global sheep prices shows British sheep prices surpassing French farmgate returns, with prices rising by €2/kg since the turn of the year.
27 March 2024 Markets
UK sheep price running £2.67/kg (€3.11/kg) higher
The price increase of £1.74/kg (€2.03/kg) since the turn of the year is being driven by tight supplies, strong sales, steady exports and lower than anticipated imports.
23 March 2024 Markets
Australian sheepmeat exports hit all-time monthly high
Exports of sheepmeat in February were recorded at some 52,351, with Meat and Livestock Australia reporting that it marks the highest export volume for any month on record.
16 March 2024 News
Bord Bia predicts carryover of 40,000 more lambs
The higher level of throughput is expected to meet a more positive trading environment with EU production predicted to fall by another 1.3% and religious festivals boosting demand.
24 January 2024 Markets
Bord Bia predicts carryover of 40,000 more lambs
The higher level of throughput is expected to meet a more positive trading environment with EU production predicted to fall by another 1.3% and religious festivals boosting demand.
19 January 2024 Markets
Value of Irish food exports drops slightly in difficult 2023
Ireland exported €16.4bn of food, drink and horticulture produce last year, according to Bord Bia estimates.
10 January 2024 News