Factory buyers active for forward cattle
Tommy Moyles
Heavy cattle were in demand at Gortatlea Mart on Friday with factory buyers on the lookout for forward cattle of all classes.
24 July 2024 Markets
Factory buyers active for forward cattle
Heavy cattle were in demand at Gortatlea Mart on Friday, with factory buyers on the lookout for forward cattle of all classes.
24 July 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: cull ewes grabbing the headlines
Some very fancy prices have been reported this week, with heavy fleshed ewes ranging in cases from €210 to €240 and rising as high as €260 to €290 in isolated cases.
Martbids Database: better week for bullock trade
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade, including what’s happening in the marts this week.
17 July 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: dry cows in demand in Mohill
Adam Woods report’s from Mohill Mart’s general cattle sale last Saturday.
17 July 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: trade steady to firmer in cases
With entries of finished lambs at a low level and signs of a steadier trade, factory agents have been competing with greater intensity for well-fleshed lambs.
17 July 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: exporters continue to drive weanling bull trade
Farmers delivered the type of weanling bull exporters were looking for and were rewarded for their efforts in Skibbereen Mart on Friday last, reports Tommy Moyles.
15 July 2024 Markets
Premier sale date calendar for lowland sheep breeds
The 2024 show and sales season kicked off on Saturday 13 July with the Vendeén Sheep Society event, with sales following thick and fast over the coming months.
14 July 2024 Pedigree
Martbids Database: plainer cattle easier bought this week
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade, including the latest on this week’s mart trade and what’s happening in the country’s marts.
10 July 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: lambs suffer another fall of €5 to €10 per head
With significant factory price cuts coming thick and fast, agents are less willing to lock horns, resulting in a much more subdued trade this week.
10 July 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: summer sale numbers up in Kanturk
Cattle numbers for June and July are up significantly in Kanturk Mart. It seems extra dry cow numbers and reared calves are driving that increase.
10 July 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: suckler outfits in demand in Stranorlar/Ballybofey
Adam Woods reports from Monday night's general cattle sale held in Stranorlar/Ballybofey Mart in Co Donegal.
10 July 2024 Markets