Independent Ireland seeks farm retirement scheme
James Hanly
It comes as the party have announced its agriculture policy which includes €1 billion in additional funding for agriculture and the creation of a dedicated Minister for Fisheries.
5 September 2024 News
Punch to run in next general election
Punch is the former general secretary of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers Association (ICSA).
24 July 2024 News
Three Irish MEPs to sit on EU agriculture committee
The declaration of interests required of all MEPs shows that Billy Kelleher and Michael McNamara have earnings of over €20,000 each from farming.
Independent Ireland gain 23 seats in local elections
The new party is also in contention to take a seat in the European Parliament through Ciaran Mullooly.
12 June 2024 News
Analysis: survey predicted Sinn Féin's slump
The recent Irish Farmers Journal survey showed Sinn Féin at 6%, which seemed nonsensical. But using the slide rule of doubling that vote, it proved eerily accurate.
12 June 2024 News
How did the farmer candidates fare in the local elections?
We provide a unique and comprehensive guide to how the farming candidates standing in the local elections fared.
10 June 2024 News
Opinion: Kelleher, Cowen and co get a dose of Andrews' Liversalts
The Fianna Fáil candidate for the Dublin constituency set the cat among the, er, dairy cows, as he stated his opposition to the nitrates derogation days before polling.
8 June 2024 Opinion
Banks draw ire of MEP candidates at Cork meeting
The Irish banking system was described as dysfunctional by an Irish MEP during meeting with farmers in west Cork earlier this week.
29 May 2024 News
Carberry neck and neck with Cowen
The Irish Farmers Journal surveyed over 1,100 farmers in the Midlands North West and South, here are the results of the poll.
29 May 2024 News
Independent Ireland third most popular party among farmers
The party, only founded last November, would get 11% of farmers first preference votes if a general election was held next week.
29 May 2024 News
Local elections: what farmers are running?
Want to know who the farmers are among the local election candidates? The entire list is here.
22 May 2024 News
Opinion: takeaways from the IFA hustings
With a dozen contenders at each of the IFA's four European election hustings, Pat O'Toole was left with plenty to ponder.
11 May 2024 Opinion