Northern Ireland
New UK government pressed on farm budget
Peter McCann
Following Labour’s election win last week, the party’s spokespeople for environment and agriculture were appointed as ministers in the new government.
10 July 2024 News
Macra urges Taoiseach to 'follow the science'
Macra calls upon Taoiseach to follow the science in the run up to the next budget.
10 July 2024 News
Irish government spending to top €105bn in 2025
There is little in the Summer Statement to indicate agriculture will be a priority in the coming budget.
Knock on impacts from Labour's UK victory
The governing legislation has turned out to be a Nimbies’ Charter, conferring veto powers on geographically small planning authorities sensitive to the objections of residents’ associations.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Roderic O’Gorman becomes fourth Green Party leader
Minister O’Gorman sits at cabinet as Minister for Children, Equality and Disability.
8 July 2024 News
Labour government could deliver for Irish exporters
A change of government in the UK following this week's election is on the cards, but will it matter?
3 July 2024 News
Muir finalises Lough Neagh action plan
A first draft of the Lough Neagh action plan was discussed by ministers in the NI Executive earlier this month.
26 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Hackett to contest Green Party leadership
The Minister of State for Agriculture will face off with Roderic O'Gorman to succeed Eamon Ryan, while Michael McGrath will be Ireland's next European Commissioner.
26 June 2024 News
Good and bad in Labour party plans
The British Labour Party manifesto includes some positive commitments, but nothing on future farm funding.
19 June 2024 Opinion
Eamon Ryan brought out the green agenda
While he became triggering for many farmers, no one can deny the impact Eamon Ryan has made on the Irish political landscape.
19 June 2024 Dealer
IFA/ICMSA alliance helps Mullooly home
The Castlebar count centre could have been mistaken for a cattle mart, so many notable agri-politics figures passed through.
19 June 2024 Dealer
Green’s rural reputation one of Ryan’s biggest regrets
The Minister for the Environment made the comments in his speech as he announced he will step down as Green Party leader.
18 June 2024 News