Surge in usage of beef AI straws
Rachel Donovan
It is the increased use of sexed semen in dairy herds, that is both allowing more beef AI usage and driving the increase.
17 July 2024 News
'Walk away' from calves with no CBV, farmers told
Beef farmers are essentially buying in the dark if they're buying calves that have no CBV, ICBF's Margaret Kelleher has said.
17 July 2024 Markets
Breakeven beef price of €5.54/kg in Ballyvadin
Adam Woods reports from last week’s open day on the Tipperary dairy-beef demonstration farm in Ballyvadin
Dairy farmers down in the dumps over lack of demonstration
The Dealer wonders why beef farmers have three demonstration farms while dairy farmers have none, despite the challenges that sector faces.
17 July 2024 Dealer
Farm Tech Talk: beef scheme, lamb trade and dairy beef
We discuss the Beef Welfare Scheme and the lamb trade, as well as an insight into the dairy beef open day which was held in Fethard, Co Tipperary, this week.
12 July 2024 News
Slim dairy beef margins in early years
The farm is budgeting for a selling price of €4.70/kg for the typical O grade carcase from this type of operation.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Does building a shed for finishing cattle pay?
Martin Merrick does the sums on what a finishing shed would cost for housing dairy beef animals and if asks if it makes sense to build it in the first place.
10 July 2024 Buildings
In pictures: electric trade for drop calves in Ballymena
Dairy beef calves were an electric trade at the weekly sale in Ballymena Mart.
10 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Beef farmers need to demand CBV when buying dairy beef calves - Dillon
The dairy beef open day on Teagasc's demonstration farm in Fethard, Co Tipperary was thronged with farmers from across the country.
10 July 2024 News
Suckler weanlings see 40% price rise but herd decline continues
As an industry, as farmers collectively watching this sector in demise, are we comfortable seeing this sector disappear before our eyes?
3 July 2024 Viewpoints
Back to basics at BEEF 2024
Adam Woods reports from last week’s national Teagasc beef event in Grange.
3 July 2024 Management
Premier dairy beef demo in Tipperary
The leased farm is set up to show best practice for calves from the dairy herd, so expect beef and dairy farmers to attend next week.
3 July 2024 Dealer