There is good competition between buyers for cull cows at the minute, Bandon Mart manager Seán Dennehy has said.

“Friesian cull cows out of the parlour are making €1.20 to €1.70/kg, and then heavier dried off Friesians with flesh would be making over €2.00/kg. I would say the numbers are on par with last year, although we would expect a lot of numbers to come out in the next few weeks,” he said.

George Candler, Kilkenny Mart manager, said that Friesian cows are making anywhere between €1.20 to €2.30/kg, with the real quality ones making €2.40/kg.

Continental cows are making around €1.70/kg and pushing €3/kg and are an amazing trade, he said.

“I would say sales are a little up on last year, the demand is there. The feedlots are active around the ring, cattle are coming out earlier due to the good prices and grass scarcity. I believe quality cattle are in short supply, which is down to the reduction of suckler farmers.

David Quinn of Carnew Mart said that cull cow prices are very strong at the minute.

“Without a doubt cull cow prices are well up on last year, and even the good fleshed Friesian cows are making anywhere between €1.80 to €2.20/kg. When you get back to the lighter, store cow you are looking at €1.10 to €1.80/kg depending on the animal. Factory buyers and specialist wholesalers are very active around the ring for stock.


Carnew had around 120 cull cows for sale on Saturday, with a lot of good heavy continental cows.

“A Limousin cow weighing 870kg made €2,460, a Simmental cow at 710kg made €2,080, a Charolais cow at 680kg made €2,250 and a lighter Limousin cow at 680kg sold for €2,000,” he said.

Michael Harty of Central Auctions said that heavy, quality cows have gotten extremely dear, and there is a great demand for the continental cows. An Angus cow at 820kg made €2,160, a Limousin cow at 855kg made €2,480 and a Belgian Blue weighing 705kg made €1,840.