Huge numbers of cattle continue to be exported on a weekly basis, both on roll-on/roll-off lorries and on ships.

The Shorthorn Express livestock carrier was loaded with 2,400 store cattle last weekend and set sail for North Africa on Saturday evening.

It docked in Casablanca port on Wednesday evening, where it was unloaded and is expected to make its way back to Ireland for another 2,400 store cattle in the next few days.

Department of Agriculture officials responsible for the clearing and passing on animals for export are said to be working at maximum capacity, with all stops being pulled out to facilitate the moving of large numbers of livestock in recent weeks. Weanling exports are currently running 35% ahead of 2023 levels with store cattle exports up 43%.

Bluetongue restrictions across Europe are helping Irish exports.

Beef quotes

Meanwhile, the beef trade continues to remain steady with quotes unchanged this week.

Bullocks are working off a €5/kg to €5.05/kg base price while heifers are being quoted at €5.10/kg to €5.15/kg base price before any in-spec bonus, grid bonus or breed bonus is applied.

Last week’s kill went up by 1,800 head with factory agents very active buying cattle in marts in the last 10 days.

The cow trade also remains very firm with over €5/kg being paid for top-quality U grading cows this week.