New Climate Resilient Reforestation Pilot Scheme launched
Grace Hoare
The scheme aims to build more sustainable forests that can produce high quality timber products and deliver important ecosystem services, such as protecting and improving soil and water quality.
26 July 2024 News
Tillage podcast: straw turnaround analysis and reaction
This week's podcast is all about straw as the Minister turns around on his decision to chop the straw scheme.
26 July 2024 News
Farmers urged to stay vigilant for bluetongue
Importers must abide by livestock isolation protocols to help ensure the disease is not introduced to Ireland.
Farmers can now access N and P statements up to June
The interim statements have been calculated off existing excretion figures and not the ones proposed by the Department of Agriculture earlier this year.
25 July 2024 News
Straw scheme U-turn and new €175/ha baling payment
An agreement has been reached between the farm organisations and the Minister for Agriculture on straw incorporation.
25 July 2024 News
Tensions high as straw row escalates
Tillage farmers are furious over the lack of clarity surrounding the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM).
24 July 2024 News
Minister set to sign off on disputed medicine law
It is anticipated that the statutory instrument enacting the changes will be signed over the next fortnight despite vets' opposition.
24 July 2024 News
Department rows back on N allowances for 2024
Aidan Brennan looks at the impact the revised chemical nitrogen allowances will have on grass growth.
24 July 2024 Grass & feeding
Charter? What charter?
Last Wednesday, the minister moved to suspend the Straw Incorporation Measure of his own volition. What of the Farmers' Charter of Rights?
24 July 2024 Dealer
New research project to examine calf welfare
Earlier this month, Minister for State Martin Heydon announced funding of €22.3m for the 21 different new research projects.
24 July 2024 News
Minister wants 'quality straw' baled
This is a change from the Minister on the Straw Incorporation Measure which he sought to suspend last week.
24 July 2024 News
Forty-six apply for new €40m AD grant
The €40m fund aims to support the construction of the first handful of new anaerobic digestion plants in Ireland.
24 July 2024 News